Lenoir County Homeownership
Contact us if you are interested in preparing for our 2025 application season.
How can I qualify for Lenoir County Habitat Home Ownership?
1) Complete the application and turn in all required documentation on time.*
2) Currently live or work in Lenoir County for at least the last year (12 full months).
3) Have a housing need:
a) Dilapidated/substandard housing
b) Conditions pose a health/safety risk
c) Overcrowded
d) Government-subsidized housing
e) Rent costs more than $30% gross income
4) Have the ability to pay:
a) Meet income guidelines (50% - 80% median family income)**
b) Have projected debt-to-income ratio under 35% preferred (38% max) & a housing-to-income ratio under 28% preferred (29% max)
c) Have stable income for last 24 months
d) Have not declared bankruptcy in last 24 months
e) Pay current rent/house payment on time
f) Have less than $2,000 in outstanding collections/judgements
g) Once in the program understand the need to notify staff immediately of any change in income
h) Once in the program understand the need to not take on any additional debt
5) Be willing to partner on sweat equity hours:
a) Minimum 250 volunteer hours for you and your household
i) 50 hours in first 60 days
ii) 15 hours per month thereafter - 7 on construction
iii) Extended family and friends can help with a portion
b) Be willing to work on construction & in the ReStore (other options in Lenoir County can be arranged)
c) Be willing to attend financial literacy classes, home-buyer classes and practical skills workshops
Please be sure to include documents for both applicant and co-applicant, as well as any dependents (as applicable). If applying online please upload the documents into your application portal. If you are unable to do so or if you are emailing or mailing your application in, please include all required documents at that time.
Email documents to office@habitatgoldsboro.org with APPLICATION DOCUMENTS in the subject line, by mail to PO Box 10809, Goldsboro, NC 27532, or in person at 2719 Graves Drive, Suite 3, Goldsboro. Please be sure to include names and documents for both applicant and co-applicant.
1) Fully completed application (completed online or using downloadable & fillable PDFs, available at right)
2) Last two years of W2s and/or 1099s (2022 & 2023) of ALL income coming into the home for applicants & dependents
3) Last two years of tax returns (2022 & 2023) for applicants & dependents
i) If self-employed, must show 24-month profit & loss statement
4) Last 60 days of pay stubs showing year-to-date (2 if monthly, 4 if bi-weekly, 8 if weekly)
5) Paperwork verifying alternative sources for applicants & dependent, including, but not limited to:
i) Social Security award letter
ii) Disability award letter
iii) Original court order for child support and/or alimony and payment documentation
iv) Retirement documentation
6) If self-employed, year-to-date profit & loss report
7) Two months (60 days) of bank statements
8) Written explanation of any known outstanding collections or judgements
9) Student loan deferral verification (if applicable and only if deferred more than three years)
10) Active duty or DD214 form (if applicable)
11) Current lease and copy of most recent money order receipt, bank statement or canceled rent check to evidence rent payment, or landlord reference/letter of explanation
12) Copy of Driver's License
13) Copy of Social Security Card
14) Copy of legal resident status (if applicable)
15) Please be sure to include names and birth dates of all dependents.
16) If you own land you wish to build on: a copy of the deed, any existing appraisal, evidence of property tax value and most recent payment and information about any liens.
Family Size Total Household Income Range (2024 Adjusted Home Income Limits - US HUD)
1 $25,700 - $41,100
2 $29,350 - $46,950
3 $33,000 - $52,800
4 $36,650 - $58,650
5 $39,600 - $63,350
6 $42,550 - $68,050
7 $45,450 - $72,750
8 $48,400 - $77,450
If you are unsure if you might qualify but are interested, please fill out the application and allow us to process it. We cannot speak to you regarding your specific circumstances, income levels or credit questions without an application. If you do not qualify, you will receive an "adverse action" letter explaining why and we will be happy to have a further conversation and offer suggestions about what steps to take next.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 919-736-9592 x1 or office@habitatgoldsboro.org. Hard copy applications can be downloaded from this site or picked up at - and returned to the Habitat Goldsboro-Wayne office at 2719 Graves Drive, Suite 3, Goldsboro (mailing address PO Box 10809, Goldsboro, NC 27532). Applications also are available at First Presbyterian Church in Kinston (2101 N. Herritage St.) from 9-4 Monday and 9-2 Tuesday-Thursday, as well as at St. Mary's Episcopal Church (800 Rountree St.) from 8:30-4:30 Monday-Thursday and 8:30-1:30 Friday.
Below is the Lenoir County property we currently have available.